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Here are some snacks I can eat ANYTIME when I am trying to diet and lose fat

The worst thing about dieting and eating clean I feel like is the limited selection of foods I can snack on or just grab and go. Who wants chicken and broccoli for lunch and supper and a snack before or after? There are dieting plans out there, even local ones lol, that promote such insanity. In this post I am going to share with you a few of my favorite anytime snacks that aren’t going to blow up my weight loss goals and won’t hurt yours either.

I want to add one “note” here before I start the list. I am going to include these “freebies,” free to eat whenever you feel hungry, in One Pound Increments. I don’t personally know anyone who sits down and eats a pound of anything at a time for a snack. But the point being, these 1lb examples show you how low calorie these foods are, and why I use them to strip fat off my face/neck, gut, and lower back (my 3 “problem” areas) when I am dieting down. Here we go.


Surprised? No, I didn’t think you were. 450 grams of carrots, which equals 1lb, which is A
LOT, has 120 calories. Eat away all day long.


Again, no surprise here. One lb has 64 calories.

Dark Plums

A pound of plums contains about 210 calories. I don’t know anyone who sits down and eats a
pound of plums, but you could figure that to be about 7 or 8 plums depending on size.


A lb of spinach is going to set you back about 105 calories. Again that’s with adding
nothing to it like dressings or oils.

Cantaloupe or Honeydew Melon

Honeydew’s are low in calories. A pound of Honeydew is going
to provide 163 calories. Cantaloupe at a 1lb clip will be giving you 153 calories. They are so close I
included them together.


This is like cheating, but anyways here we go. A pound of watermelon will serve you
right at 138 calories.


Surprised? You shouldn’t be. BUT remember, the fruit, NOT THE JUICE! Anyways, a pound of oranges, without pulp and the peel will have usually less then 220 calories total. A bit high on this list, but hardly anything near what would come from a food you have to take out of a wrapper or package, especially a pound at a time.

Cherry Tomatoes

BONUS! I went with the cherry variety of tomatoes for ease of snacking. 1 whole lb of
cherry tomatoes is going to set you back a walloping 82 calories.

The Best Part of this Diet Hack?

You can mix and match these different foods together to make a more diverse tasting snack experience. Lol did I really just say that… I’m not saying a pound of oranges with your pound of watermelon or 1lb of spinach + 1lb of cherry tomatoes = score. Take any amounts around half or less of the 2 or 3 items you think you want to group together and have at it. You should average around less than 200 calories and feel much more full than if you ate a couple twinkies or cookies or chips. And that feeling will last longer until your next meal as these are mostly slower digesting real foods vs the junk alternatives.

Thanks for taking the time to let me share what works for me with you!

Josh L.

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