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This ONE Trick has Helped ME to Lose the MOST FAT and KEEP IT OFF

When I finally made this one single decision about a certain food group, it really did change my life. I didn’t know it at the time, but I really did have an addiction to a certain type of food that we are constantly being told How Great it is for us and that it should be the cornerstone of our daily diets. I wasn’t able to completely eliminate it from my life entirely, I mean I am human, and sometimes it does taste really good. But taking it out of my daily and even weekly rotation of the foods and meals I eat regularly, it has made losing fat, especially around my midsection, almost effortless. Here’s what it is.

F*** Bread

Yeah, you read that right. This is my biggest, most important gift I could ever give you. Once I quit eating bread, this one single thing, it was mere weeks before I could see the change in my bathroom mirror of my gut getting smaller.

At that time, I wasn’t exercising. I wasn’t doing cardio. I didn’t change anything else. I was even still eating chocolate chip pancakes every Sunday morning with my kids. But by simply cutting out bread, which btw was the “healthy 12 grain variety,” I seen by bloated belly melting away. I had been eating healthy for awhile. I had cut out all junk foods. I had been buying all organic fruits and vegetables. My breads and Juices were non-gmo. But I still couldn’t even see the top of my abs.

By the end of the third week tho, of my no-bread journey, a miracle of sorts happened. I could actually see my two top abs. I knew they were there, I mean I was working construction daily at the time. But I looked like I drank a 12 pack of Budweiser’s a few times a week. And I attribute that to the 3 Sandwiches I would pack in my lunch every day for work. Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches. Peanut Butter and honey sandwiches. Tuna fish sandwiches. Turkey sandwiches. It didn’t matter how much healthier I thought I was eating, my gut stayed. It stayed right up until I cut out ALL the sandwiches.

This is the ONE TIME I am going to go into a detailed “sciencey” explanation about dieting

This is what happens when you eat bread.

When bread becomes a daily staple in our life, over time we develop something called Gluten Intolerance, otherwise known as celiac disease.

What this really comes down to is a resistance to insulin. Here’s what happens. Grains, such as wheat, when
ingested, almost immediately get turned into a form of sugar known as glucose. This rise in glucose in
the blood stream triggers the pancreas to release the hormone insulin. Insulin is what is responsible for
turning on the fat storing triggers in adipose tissue, commonly known as cellulite. If you don’t think that sounds very good, just wait.

Consuming large quantities of grains, cereals, and breads over a long period of time begins to cause the condition known as Gluten Intolerance. This is also a precursor to diabetes. Once Gluten Intolerance has taken hold and you continue to consume grains, the following symptoms begin to appear:

Fatigue, low-blood sugar, sleepiness, intestinal bloating, increased triglycerides, increased blood pressure, depression, and a resistance to insulin. And like every infomercial ever made…

But wait, there’s more!

The way our grain is grown in modern times has changed from even a 100 years ago. Grains are
exposed to pesticides during their season until harvested. They are milled at extremely high
temperatures that creates a rancid state in the fatty acids. Finally, preservatives and
indigestible, man-made versions of vitamins are added that can cause disturbances in the digestive

Another whammy for bread is the fact that the wheat which is produced today is much higher in gluten
content then it was in the past or even compared to wheat grown in Europe. This spike in gluten causes
an even more serious condition that I haven’t even mentioned yet.

The primary protein Gluten that is found in wheat contains a molecule called Gliadins. This is a very
interesting molecule. I say that because when Gliadin becomes water-soluble, it has the ability to bind
itself to cells in your body. If you are gluten sensitive, your body creates anti-bodies that are sent to
attack the cells to which the gliadin has attached itself, because your body believes it to be an infection.

This constant bombardment of antibodies not only attacks the cells that has the attached Gliadins, but the
surrounding tissue as well. This single reaction is responsible for a myriad of health conditions in America many of us experience daily. Abdominal pain, cramps, gas, diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, and weight gain can all be attributed to gluten sensitivity. If you experience any of these problems regularly, AT THE LEAST, cut out ALL the bread in your daily diet. Like right now.

My Closing Thought…

I shared some technical stuff here with you today because I want to help you. There’s people on social media, and even the main stream media, that promote crazy diets and have even crazier ideas. The truth is they most likely haven’t tried doing half the things they talk about. And it drives me insane. A lot of shit just doesn’t work. But there are things you can do that trick your body into losing weight even faster, when combined with this one suggestion of mine I outlined here.

Thank you for letting me share this with you today!

Josh L.

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